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5 تشرين2 2014

Streaming Thoughts with a Cup of Coffee


سعوديون في أمريكا - بتول العنزي

It's the weekend. Sunday morning, I’m sipping my morning Latte. Everybody sleep in. Some people don't sleep in because they have to work during that time. There is a group of people, who don't belong to neither of those. The third grey group of people lost the sweet taste of the weekend. They are in a period of unpredictable and unknown future.
I have just submitted my thesis, and on the verge of graduating to freedom. Even during my time at graduate school, classes were held in the afternoon. So, I have been pretty much the boss of myself for so long. Getting up after having plenty of sleep, then going to coffee shops at 10 or 11 to have coffee while reading the O magazine is my routine. Isn't this what many people dream of or even wish to have on the moment of blowing up the candles on their birthday cakes? I was happy, but I could only feel this way for so long.
Living the dream of so many people on the planet doesn't always mean that it's fulfilling to the self who is living the dream. I reached a point where I really want to have a 9-5 job. I wasn't worried about getting a job to provide for myself while I was going to school, because I get monthly checks from my scholarship program. What more could anyone on this planet ask for?! ...a job.
Yes, I want a job to make me feel fulfilled. I want a job that would allow me to go with the flow so when it’s time for the weekend, I would feel happily relieved like everyone else. I want a job that would make me feel respected and admired by others. A job can provide me so much more than money. It will provide me spiritual security.
This Sunday morning for me was like any other day, no sweet TGIF before it, nor long irritating Monday after it.

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