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Saudi Student Association at Texas A&M

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The Saudi Student Association is a student organization

officially registered within Texas A&M Student Activities.

Founded in the late 1970 in Hantsville, TX at Sam Houston

University and then transferred in 1986 to College Station, TX

(Texas A&M University) and since then it continued to serve

Saudi Students and students from the gulf states at Texas A&M

University and educating the Aggie community about Saudi


Arabia and Gulf states Culture, traditions, and customs.


3116 TAMU
College Station, TX
الرمز البريدي

الأندية الطلابية

معلومات الجامعة
معلومات المدينة
رئيس النادي
عبدلله المعجل
موقع النادي
رقم الهاتف
(979) 739-9939
حساب الفيسبوك

معاينات الأعضاء

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