Harvard University مميز مشهور
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جامعة هارفارد هي أقدم وأعرق الجامعات الأمريكية على الإطلاق وأحد أقدم جامعات العالم والجامعة وهي أفضل جامعات العالم. وهي أكثر جامعة في العالم من حيث عدد الخريجين والباحثين الذين حصلوا على جوائز نوبل وغيرها من الجوائز والأوسمة العلمية الأشهر عالميا، وهي أكبر جامعة في العالم من حيث مبلغ الوقف والمساحة والتجهيزات وأحد الجامعات الثمان في رابطة اللبلاب. تقع في مدينة كامبردج بولاية ماساتشوستس الأمريكية. أسسها جون هارفارد عام 1636 لتناظر جامعتي كامبريدج وأوكسفورد في بريطانيا.
تعد الجامعة أحد أصعب جامعات العالم في قبول الطلبة، حيث أن ترتيبها الخامس عالميا من حيث صعوبة القبول.
معلومات الجامعة
اسم الجامعة
Harvard University
نوع الجامعة
حجم الجامعة
تقويم الجامعة
الحالة لدى الملحقية
جامعات في نفس المدينة
حجم المدينة
نوع المدينة
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
الرمز البريدي
معلومات الإتصال
الموقع الإلكتروني
مكتب القبول
لطلبة البكالريوس
Agassiz House
Radcliffe Yard
5 James Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
لطلبة الدراسات العليا
كل قسم لديه بيانات القبول يرجى مراجعة الموقع.
تخصصات البكالوريوس
- Afro American Studies
- Anthropology
- Applied Mathematics
- Astronomy
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Biochemical Science
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Sciences
- Business Administration
- Cell Biology
- Chemical Physics
- Chemistry
- Chemistry and Physics
- Classics
- Cognitive Science
- Comparative Studies in Religion
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Science
- English Afro American Literature
- English and American Literature
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Science and Public Policy
- Environmental Science and Studies
- Epidemiology
- Folklore and Mythology
- Genetics
- Geology
- Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Government
- Health Policy
- History
- History and Literature
- History and Science
- History of Art
- History of Art and Architecture
- Human Development
- Japanese
- Law Juris Doctor (J.D.)
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
- Near Eastern Languages and Civilization
- Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
- Nutrition
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Psychology
- Romance Languages
- Sanskrit and Indian Studies
- Slavic Language and Literatures
- Social Studies
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Theology
- Visual and Environmental Studies
تخصصات الماجستير
- Administration, Planning and Social Policy
- Anthropology
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Applied Sciences, Engineering
- Architecture
- Biology
- Biostatistics
- Biotechnology
- Business Administration
- Business Economics
- Cell Biology
- Celtic Studies
- Chemical Physics
- Chemistry
- Classical Archaeology
- Classical Philology
- Comparative Literature
- Computer Science
- Dentistry (D.D.S., D.M.D.)
- Design Studies
- Divinity
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- East Asian Languages and Literature
- Economics
- Education
- Education, Administration, Planning and Social Policy
- Education, Art
- Education, Educational Policy Studies
- Education, Higher Education
- Education, Human Development and Psychology
- Education, International Education
- Education, Language and Literacy Education
- Education, Learning and Instruction
- Education, Mind, Brain and Education
- Education, Religion and Secondary Education
- Education, Risk and Prevention
- Education, School Leadership
- Education, Teacher Education
- Education, Teaching and Learning
- Education, Technology
- Engineering Science
- English and American Literature
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Management
- Epidemiology
- Forestry Sciences
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Government
- Health and Social Behavior
- Health Care Management
- Health Policy
- Health Policy and Management
- History
- History of American Civilization
- History of Art and Architecture
- History of Science
- Human Development
- Industrial Hygiene
- Information Technology
- Islamic Legal Studies
- Landscape Architecture
- Landscape Architecture, Urban Design
- Law (L.L.M)
- Law, Taxation Law
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics
- Maternal and Child Health
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Teaching
- Medical Engineering and Medical Physics
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Mind, Brain, Behavior Interfaculty Initiative
- Modern Greek
- Museum Studies
- Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
- Neurobiology
- Occupational Health
- Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Population and International Health
- Primary Health Care
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Administration, International Development
- Public Health
- Public Policy
- Regional studies
- Regional studies, East Asia
- Regional studies, Middle East
- Romance Languages
- Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies
- Sanskrit and Indian Studies
- Slavic Language and Literatures
- Social Anthropology
- Social Policy
- Social Psychology
- Statistics
- Theological Studies
- Theology
- Urban Design
- Urban Planning
تخصصات الدكتوراة
- Accounting, Control Systems
- Administration, Planning and Social Policy
- Afro American Studies
- Anthropology
- Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies
- Anthropology, Biology
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Applied Sciences, Engineering
- Architectural Urban Design and Planning
- Architecture
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry
- Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
- Biological Sciences in Public Health
- Biology
- Biophysics
- Biostatistics
- Business Administration
- Business Administration, Operations Management
- Business Administration, Strategic Management
- Business Economics
- Byzantine Greek
- Cancer Cell Biology
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Cell Biology
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Celtic Studies
- Chemical Physics
- Chemistry
- Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Chinese
- Classical Archaeology
- Classical Philology
- Classical Philosophy
- Comparative Literature
- Computer Science
- Dentistry (D.D.S., D.M.D.)
- Design Studies
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- East Asian Languages and Literature
- Economics
- Economics and Middle Eastern Studies
- Education
- Education, Administration, Planning and Social Policy
- Education, Community Education
- Education, Educational Leadership
- Education, Educational Policy Studies
- Education, Elementary and Secondary Education
- Education, Higher Education
- Education, Human Development and Psychology
- Education, International Education
- Education, Teaching and Learning
- Education, Urban Superintendency
- Engineering Science
- English and American Literature
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Experimental Pathology
- Genetics
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Government
- Health and Social Behavior
- Health Policy
- Health Policy and Management
- History
- History and East Asian Languages
- History and Middle Eastern Studies
- History of American Civilization
- History of Art and Architecture
- History of Art and Architecture and Middle Eastern Studies
- History of Science
- Human Development
- Immunology
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases
- Information Technology Management
- Inner Asian and Altaic Studies
- Islamic Legal Studies
- Japanese
- Landscape Architecture
- Law (S.J.D)
- Linguistics
- Marketing
- Maternal and Child Health
- Mathematics
- Medical Anthropology
- Medical Sciences
- Medicine( M.D. and M.D., Ph.D.)
- Medieval Latin
- Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Modern Greek
- Near Eastern Languages and Civilization
- Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
- Neurobiology
- Neuroscience
- Nutrition
- Occupational Health
- Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- Organizational Behavior Studies
- Pathology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Policy and Management
- Political Economy
- Population and International Health
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Public Policy
- Radiological Sciences
- Romance Languages
- Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies
- Sanskrit and Indian Studies
- Slavic Language and Literatures
- Social Anthropology
- Social Policy
- Social Psychology
- Sociology
- Statistics
- The Study of Religion
- Theology
- Urban Planning
- Virology
معلومات أخرى
خدمات ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة
الجامعة مهيأة لذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة
معاينات الأعضاء
لا يوجد اي معاينة لهذه الشركة.